Implantology in general dental practice
During the last 20 years, osseointegrated implants have proven an outstanding clinical success, which is why implant treatment for restoring missing teeth has been gaining in popularity. Thanks to continuous improvement of material and gradual simplification of procedures, general dentists can routinely perform implant treatments.
Currently, the general dentist can restore
any edentulous site with implants. In this way, long-span retaurations, utilization of natural teeth with an unsafe prognosis or preparation of intact teath as support for fixed
or removable prosthesis can be avoided.
Implant treatments are based on the same clinical procedures than conventional dental treatments:
• Medical history
• Clinical examination
• Conventional imagery
• Determination of prosthetic planning
Through the development of implant techniques, protocols can be optimised and treatment can be more conservative, time-saving, and cost-efficient.
Reduced dimension implants and osteotome techniques as well as implants placement with simultaneous bone expansion and augmentation techniques, can reduce indications for pre-implantation bone grafts.
The utilization of non-submerged implants with a rough surface, allow to recuce the healing time, the prosthetic treatment can be performed 8 weeks after implant placement.
Impression and laboratory steps using pre-fabricated elements, facilitate optimal implant-supported prosthesis production.
The Clinical Implant Training Concept (CITC) Curriculum, allows general dentists to acquire all necessary theoretical and clinical knowledge in order to integrate implants utilization in their routine practice.
International Clinical College
Evidence Based Education